CHBA’s Special Meeting will be taking place at the Ontario Bar Association (20 Toronto St, Toronto, ON) on Thursday, April 11, 2019 @ 6pm (EST).All current CHBA members can attend/vote at the April 11th special meeting.If you are unable to attend the Special Meeting, you can have another CHBA member who is physically present at the Meeting be your proxy. We also have a Zoom line available if you would like to call in to listen and/or contribute to the discussion before advising your proxy how to vote. *Please note* – if you are designating a proxy, you must send us an email prior to the Meeting ( to provide us of the name and email address of your proxy.What are we voting on?The first vote will be to clean up the by-laws and provide general governance updates – e.g. the number of CHBA directors.The next vote will be a series of votes on new, *proposed* membership categories – ie Friend, Corporation, Internationally Trained Lawyer (ITL), Licensed Paralegal, Paralegal Licensee Candidate, and Paralegal Student.*Please note* - these proposed membership categories do not have the same rights as other CHBA members – ie they cannot vote and cannot be on the CHBA Board.If you have any questions, please email us at